Tuesday 13 January 2009

Back for 2009 and with added social networking

Hi internet,

Oroku Saki are back in action after a 2 month hiatus. Liam went to sit on the beach in Australia for 2 months, while David stayed unemployed, grew a beard then shaved the beard.

Succumbing to enormous societal pressure, last night we started a myspace page, amongst claims of 'what the fuck is this shit?' and 'it's raping my eyes'. But here we are now, entertain us: http://www.myspace.com/therealorokusaki . That's right WE ARE THE REAL OROKU SAKI and the other 250 kabillion bands with the same name are merely pretenders. We know because we asked their girlfriends and they only go to their boyfriends' shows to support them, they really don't like the music but they offer constuctive criticisim (probably stuff like: "have you thought about adding drums?") and deep down the guys don't even care because what kind of girl is going to like a band called Oroku Saki anyway? I mean, they're happy enough that they even have a girlfriend because it's really hard to meet people. But anyway, WE'RE not like that because we are THE REAL Oroku Saki.

We're looking for gigs, hit us up.


The Real Oroku Saki.

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